Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Goals,habits,and allies


My short term goal is to not drop out of my senior year.
My long term goal is to go to college to get my Dr. degree so i can be a adolescent psychologist.


My habits are not listening to what I'm being told to do and repeating bad things I've done.


My allies are straight people and my family and friends.
For this next year, my short term goals are fairly straightforward. I will maintain my GPA throughout my Senior year in high school (no senioritis here!) and prepare myself to live on my own. To do this, I will help my mom cook dinner and begin to manage my own budget. My long term goals are to discover what I want to devote my life to and figure out how to do this without completely letting go of my other passions. I am planning on attending a liberal arts college, where I will be allowed to explore as many different realms as I like even after declaring a major. This will allow me to explore different potential career options as well as take a class or two in areas I already enjoy. Specifically, I have my eyes set on the 5 C's: Pomona, Pitzer, Harvey Mudd, Claremont Mckenna, and Scripps. If I attend one of these schools, I will have the option of taking classes from the others. These are also located relatively close to L.A., which will give me ample opportunities to pursue internships and volunteer opportunities.

To reach these goals, I will need to shape my habits accordingly. Right now I am a hard worker and have strong morals. When I am told to do something, I do it. I do not slack off. This makes me a reliable worker. However, I need to learn to step out of my comfort zone and push myself to contribute in an adult world. I am intimidated by a world that is trying to be receptive to me. It will benefit me and whoever I am working for if, instead of going quiet when I'm intimidated, I speak up and give my opinion. I need to learn that although I am often treated as a kid, I am not a little one, and I have valuable insight to offer.

"Allies" is a rather confusing term to me. I prefer to work alone, to do whatever needs to be done myself. However, as my goals grow larger, I will need to have allies. My strongest ally is my mom. She wants the best for me and is willing to help me attain what I want. Over the years she has given me contacts for projects I've worked on and funded outside learning when I've wanted it. My school counselor, Ms. Paulsen, is also a strong ally. She knows the ways of my school and I've had nothing but positive encounters with her. As funny as it seems, my piano teacher, Ms. Chaiken, is a big ally. I've been taking from her since the 4th grade and she is always there for me. She is so caring. She has even offered to help with my college essays! I'm always on the lookout for more allies. One I'd like to have is my school's chemistry teacher, Ms. Buchanan. She likes me well enough, but I think once I'm in AP chemistry next year, I can solidify that relationship. I'd also like my "overseer" at Guide Dogs for the Blind as an ally. Collier and I rarely get a chance to talk since we are both busy taking care of the dogs, but I think she is a really cool person and would love for her to back me up.

This next year will be full of challenges as I begin to take on college applications along with my AP and College of Marin classes. I know I have what it takes to meet my goals. I will continue to develop my habits and lengthen my list of allies until I get where I want to go. I know that with the help of those around me, I will achieve my goals and be a successful human being in college and beyond.
GOALS: some of my goals this years is to practice more my second language, dedicate myself to my work, practicing being a good listener.

HABITS: Communicate with people , caring , shareable, sports, need to organize my time.

ALLIES: Myself, counselor, and my job.
Short Term Goals

  • To gain the greatest experience in the field of engineering through my summer internship.

Long Term Goals

  • To become a successful engineer after college, doing what I love.
  • To actually engineer/invent something that can prove to be useful in the future (after college).
Current Habits

  • To constantly progress in the field of engineering, and gain mor eof an idea of what it would be liked to be an engineer.

 Future Habits

  • Throughout my senior year, I hope to get in the habit of doing my homework immidiately when I get home every day, and not wait for the end of the day.
  • I also hope to get in the habbit of passing every single math test I take.

Current Allies

  • Some of my allies include my parents, friends, as well as teachers at San Marin, such as Ms. Laabs, and Ms Doolin.
Future Allies
  • I'm also trying my best to make an ally out of someone who is already trained in the field of engineering.

Goals, Habits, and Allies

My short term goals consist of: completing senior year with a 4.0 GPA, doing all my homework, and studying every night. This will be completed in one year and I want to do this so that I can finish high school with a strong overall GPA. My long term goal for myself is to be working at an architectural firm designing houses and large buildings.

Some positive habits that I have are my good skills of organization, always finishing work by deadlines and completing project thoroughly with dedication. A few habits that I have that I need to get rid of are procrastinating and going to bed late. I will be much more relaxed if I make myself do work little by little instead of doing it at the last minute, and going to bed earlier will help me be better rested the next day.

Some allies that I have are Ms. Galopin, a good math teacher, and Ms. Brandi, my school counselor. Sita is also an ally of mine because she helps me find good internships that will help me learn career related material for the future.My parents and grandparents will also always be allies by supporting all my choices. Some allies that I will want to form are my future employers and future teachers that will help me with important qustions.

Blog #1

Short Term
  • assist with organic vegetable sales for the IVC Garden's farmer's market tent
  • become knowledgeable enough to answer questions from passers-by 
Long Term
  • find and procure a career that financially supports my lifestyle and morally supports a community 
  • I would like to make just a bit more than I need
  • work at least for a short time in an agriculture setting where I'm being paid 
Short Term
  • currently, I show up on time and ready to get to work
  • I tend to take fewer breaks than other workers, and I ask clarifying questions when I feel I need more information to do my job properly
  • I need to fix my sleep schedule so I have more energy at work and don't crash immediately after; if I'm not awake and alert, I'm not doing my best
Long Term
  • I hope to learn the quickest route to work and the fastest method of getting there, reducing the chances of my not being on time 
  • I want to learn to drive so I have that option available to me if it's the only plausible way for me to get to where I need to be for my job
Short Term
  • In every job, I will most likely have coworkers who aspire to climb higher on the ladder, as I do. Having hard-working, aspiring colleagues in my corner will most likely assist me in progressing past the most menial of positions
  • This class also serves as an assistant to teaching me things about the workplace I don't know about because normal high school doesn't teach that
Long Term
  • I can always ask my parents, the founders and owners of their own company, what they look for in reliable employees and what sets them apart from other ones
  • I also know their employees and I can ask them about building a resume that actually got them hired for a steady job
  • I will have the internet to reference if I ever feel that much like a fish out of water

Goals, Habits, and Allies

My short term goals are: I want to be able to write and publish a book by the beginning of next summer; I want to take a class that helps me learn more about spending habits before I start college; and I want to get a part time job during my last two years of high school so that I can go into college with spending money of my own. My long term goals are: I want to be able to speak Farsi and Spanish fluently by the time that I am 26; I want to spend a semester of college studying abroad in Europe; and I want to buy my own apartment or house before I am 26. 

My current habits are: I am good at being productive; being respectful of others; reading a lot of books; and accomplishing tasks right away. My future habits are: exercising on a regular basis; ask for help when needed; and writing on a more frequent basis. 

My future allies are: my mom; my best friend; and my world history teacher. My future allies would be: a boyfriend or spouse; a college professor; and my brother. 

Week 2


My current goals are to find a job for a startup company for coding or web building.  My long term goals are to work at Blizzard Entertainment.


My Habits right now are coding and gaming and I wish to continue coding and gaming because it will help me pursue my goals.


My allies right now are people who code and game, for example my coding teacher because he teaches me how to code, my friends who game inspire me of what to code.  I want to find more allies who code/game and possibly do both.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Goals of mine

Short Term
*By the end of high school I want to graduate with a GPA of 3.7 or higher by doing by best and studying for tests and quizzes and have no missing assignments
*Want to have played at least a year of sports for high school

Long Term
*Have a successful well paying job
*Make enough money from the well paying job and be able to support my parents out with any bills they need to pay

* responsible

*use phone to procrastinate on HW
*leave dirty clothes in the bathroom after I shower


*friends are helpful allies because they are always there when you need help in school on HW or with problems you have
*parents are also great allies because they will always be by your side when you need them 

Ones I would like to have
*I would want an athlete because they could help out on some tips for when i need help or show me better techniques

Week 1 Homework

Right now I am a student athlete at Tamalpais High School. This school year I basically just want to make sure that I keep getting good grades so that I can give myself as much opportunity in the future as possible. The reason I want to provide myself with opportunity is because I am not quite sure what career I want to pursue. Because of this uncertainty, I will have many allies that I can look to for help including teachers, coaches, and family. My teachers will be able to help me to achieve good grades, my coaches will help to mold me as a person and help me to achieve a better future, and my family will support me. Some habits that I should try to build up are putting in all of my effort into everything that I do and being more outgoing. A habit that I should stop is procrastinating.



  • Now, I'd like to apply to colleges and work to save up money. While applying to colleges, I hope to obtain and use letters of recommendation, reference my experiences, and write very strong essays.
  • In the future, I'd like to go to college and graduate with a degree in something I love, possibly environmental engineering. Immediately after college I'd like to obtain a well-paying job in a good location that I enjoy.


  • Currently, I'm a hard worker, effective communicator (face-to-face, email), dedicated, and proactive.
  • In the future, I strive to be a good person to work with, dedicated and interested in my activities and tasks, more efficient, and a strong communicator (public speaking, phone conversations).


  • Presently, my allies include: teachers, family and friends, peers, employers, and coaches.
  • Later, I hope to add to that list college peers, future employers, and professors.