Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 5

I learned that I work very well in things that I like. I also learned about how well it is for me to talk to new people at work. I also realized how happy of a person I am. I knew that I have been motivated to succeed and become a certain person, but didn't realize how optimistic and generally happy I am. I especially learned this through the waybook posts and at work.

I realized that I don't really pay that much attention to my income and expenses. I never really spend a bunch of money often on random things, but I noticed that I tend to buy snacks and lunches too often when I could be saving up my money for necessary things that might come in the future.

Through my work, I learned a huge amount of valuable career related information. I saw that processes through which buildings are designed, calculated for natural disaster preventions, and built. I also so how it would be to work in a structural engineering office and the setting that came with it. I noticed through my job how easy it was for me to talk to my new coworkers and with clients when I went on field inspections. I also became a lot more familiar with using Google related sites such as; slides, sites, and docs.

I realize now looking back at this experience how grateful and lucky I am for being able to have such a good learning experience this summer. I was able to go to a job where I learned a lot of things related to the career that I have been wanted since middle school. I realize how lucky I am to be able to have the freedom to go to a job environment and gain an upper hand not only with putting this experience on resumes and applications, but an upper hand with all the knowledge gained this summer.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Blog #5

I am definitely grateful to have had this internship and this class. My internship taught me that I can make a difference even though I'm not yet an adult. I was able to observe and make recommendations at the Marin farmers markets. After presenting, I have been working to implement what I thought would be useful. This internship really helped me step outside my comfort zone and grow as a person.
From this class, I am most thankful for the budgeting advice. I may not completely understand all of it, but I haven't thought much about my budget so it was great to start doing this. I know I'll start to pay more attention to how I spend my money. I can monitor if I'm spending on "wants" or "needs." Overall, I am very happy to have had the opportunities I did this summer. This could be a great way of starting a career I never knew I really wanted.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Blog #5

I am extremely grateful for the incredible opportunities I have been given over this summer in both my internship and the school to career academy class. Although I could've spent my summer simply playing video games and hanging out with friends, I am more than glad that I chose to learn about how to grow and progress in my career over these past 5 weeks. I'm content that I have finally got to experience the life of a novice engineer, and relieved that I got to learn about the career life and my future altogether, through the school to career academy.

I learned that I can work fast and proficiently on my projects, but I often make mistakes because I misunderstand the directions given. Through writing down my budget plan, I had learned that I spend tons of money on junk food and video games, as well as other needless entertainment, and that I should try saving up as much money as possible instead. I feel incredibly lucky to have gotten this opportunity to take both an engineering internship a school to career academy class. I am a lot more ready for life and my career, all thanks to these amazing opportunities that I have been given and am looking forward to succeeding in my future.

Blog #5: Graditude

I am grateful for many things. I am grateful for the life I live, considering I have a roof over my head and a family who cares about me I would say I have a lot to be grateful for. I have access to some very amazing opportunities, such as the internship I participated in this summer. Interning at Earthscope Media has been very enjoyable. I really enjoyed learning how to edit audio, and having to do all the research was really eye opening. In the career management class this summer I appreciate that we can walk away from it with a really good start on a resume and other skills that will help us with future careers. I think that if I did not involve myself in this experience this summer, I would have spent more time goofing off. I'm happy that I didn't spend my summer doing nothing and instead put myself in a new and exiting experience which I gained a lot of knowledge from.

I didn't learn a lot of new information about myself since I already knew most of the basic strengths and weaknesses that I posses. It was interesting to write about myself over Waybook, since I don't usually talk about my strengths and successes. In the career management class I learned a lot of how to network myself so that I can set myself up for a better and more successful future. I also learned how to use the new websites that were introduced to me, such as Blogger,and Waybook.

In my internship at Earthscope Media I learned and developed on my communication skills. I think that people interaction skills are some of the most important skills for everyone to have, so I found myself really enjoying doing the interviews. I also think it was rewarding to do all the research that we did since it taught me a lot about the environment I was not aware of. Overall I think that the internship and career management class gave me a great experience that helped me grow as a person and gave me many skills that I can use in the future looking for jobs or other internships.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blog #5

This summer I have learned so much about who I am as a professional, and who I want to be in the future. My internship has taught me so much about a field I'm interested in pursuing, and I could not be more pleased by how successful it has been. I think this was the best internship for engineering I could have had this summer and I would repeat it in a heartbeat. Spiral Water is a growing company, so they really needed my help and I got hands on, high level experience in many areas of engineering. I learned from very interesting, intelligent people, and it is very cool to have built relationships with. I'm grateful for the people I work with there, especially my supervisor who took time to give me a engineering lectures covering material I will be learning in college someday. At first I thought this class was slow-moving, but now I see that thoughtful reflection and understanding takes time, and I feel like I learned a lot about myself and am well-prepared for the real world. 

By analyzing strengths and weaknesses, I was able to identify things I was good at, like communication and dedication, and apply them to my work, but also identify things I needed to work on, and use the internship as a platform for improvement. I understood my values, passions, and aspects of my personality very well, but I had never tried to really articulate them and rank them like I did in the course. It is helpful to better understand myself, and always keep in mind how I view things and what's important to me.

This internship helped further my career readiness skills, but I believe that they will continue to grow as I experience more and more opportunities and workplaces. I believe that my weaknesses now have to do with who I am, and therefore I should continue to work on them. 
Discoveries forced me to take tests that analyzed who I am, but they also made me reflect on the answers. Reflecting made me understand and internalize the results. Reading them is one thing, but to take a step back and ask, "Okay, but why?", helped me put it all together and make connections about aspects of my personality.

The class used many technological platforms to access and produce information. I had experience with these before, but it was interesting to see how I could use them symbiotically to create a student profile that grew with me. 

Having had a lot of professional experience in my past, (jobs, job shadows, internship, etc), I think I had strong career readiness skills. It was still very important to work on them and always use them as motivation to perform well at my internship.

I am so grateful for this experience. I have learned so much from the class, and my internship was an irreplaceable, incredible opportunity. The internship allowed me to discover the field I want to pursue, and was a great adventure that taught me more than I dreamed of learning. 

Week 5 Homework

Both in class and at my internship I learned that I am a much better worker when I am comfortable in the environment that I am working in. I learned that I can be more comfortable in this environment when I get to know the people around me. I was able to learn about the career readiness skills and how I use them in class, and then I was able to put them to use at my internship and also improve them. I definitely  improved my literacy in many programs like blogger and also some google applications like google sites. I valued the class time that we spent doing financial planning because that is most likely the only place that I would be able to prepare for the future financially. I am definitely grateful that I was able to take this class and participate in my internship because it is a great experience that not everyone gets to have.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blog Post #5- Reflection

  • I felt like this experience of doing an internship and taking this career pathway academy class were extremely valuable. I was able to gain insight on what it is really like to work in the exact field that I hope to go into. My internship made me even more sure that becoming a veterinarian is something that I want to do. I was also able to learn the basics of what goes on in an animal hospital, which will be an advantage when I start my education/career as a veterinarian. Most importantly, my internship allowed me to improve my career readiness skills. I learned how to act professionally at a job, communicate with others, and act appropriately in the workplace. Before this internship, I had little work experience, but now I feel as though I would be comfortable getting a job and working. I also got much better at being assertive and asking questions because before I would refrain from asking questions and instead try to figure it out on my own. My internship also helped me become more confident around new people and in new situations. It can be intimidating going into a new place with lots of adults you've never met before, but this experience has made me better at being confident in those situations because if you seem confident, others won't see you as the nervous new person. Overall, I thought this internship was great because I learned a ton and had a lot of fun.

    The career pathway academy class also helped prepare me for life by providing me with financial skills, technical skills, people skills, and information about myself. I learned the importance of planning for the future and setting goals because they help ensure that you will accomplish the things you want to accomplish throughout your life. Throughout class, we did a variety of activities that provided us with information about ourselves, such as our values, strengths, weaknesses, personality, and passions. This allowed us to see what things we had to work on and what things we were good at. For example, I learned that I do not value or appreciate beauty and art very much. I can use this information to work on this and take my time and appreciate the little things. Throughout this class I learned how to use blogger to share my ideas with my peers, create a LinkedIn profile, write a cover letter, and improve my resume. All of those skills are valuable aspects that can help me get jobs in the future.

    Overall, I feel like this experience has been extremely valuable because it taught me an extensive amount of skills that are essential to life. If I hadn't done this internship and class this summer, I probably would have spent most of my time doing things with little value. I was able to learn all these new skills and ideas, which will give me an advantage because I already have some work experience. I am so grateful to have had this experience and I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn how to be a good employee and gain work experience.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blog #5

What I learned about myself in class is that my number one value is friendship. What I learned about myself in my internship was that I like microbiology. I am grateful that I had an opportunity to learn more about myself and figure out who I am.

This class made me rethink my values and who I thought I was. What I learned about myself in my internship was that I am more of a science person than I thought I was. I feel better knowing that I am someone who values helping others.

This class has taught me how to use Google Sites and how to use blogger. My internship has taught me that you have to be honest and you need to be able to ask questions so you can be diligent. I find that these skills are important to have.

I was lucky to have an opportunity to have taken a class that has taught me more about who I am and about financial planning. I was lucky to have an opportunity to work in a microbiology lab. I am grateful to everyone who has been part of making this program possible because not many students around the world would get this same opportunity.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blog Week #2

In my internship, I had been successful in using my skills of professionalism and honesty, however, I had not used my skills in dedication and diligence. First of all I had shown professionalism by showing up early for the first 4 days of my internship. I had shown honesty by putting down my personal information on the sign up papers, which include the things that I enjoy about myself, as well as the things I don't like about myself.

Unfortunately I had not shown signs of dedication because I was not determined to learn about the first few projects we had, since I thought of them as boring. However, on the fourth day we started using interesting programs that I had enjoyed and had become determined to use. Similar to my first negative, I had not shown any acts of diligence because I had simply been a listener and was too afraid to ask certain questions that would help me learn more.

Week 4 Finances

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $65,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are http://www.areavibes.com/san+francisco-ca/cost-of-living/average-prices/  .
  • According to salary.com I can likely count on making $90,000 each year in my future job as an architect.  My education/training to get that job will cost $60,000 total for all years of training.
  • I want to save a few thousand dollars for my rainy day fund each year, and $3,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $3,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $120,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that I will be able to live comfortably if I am aware of what I'm spending on. I will need to keep logs of my expenses and income so that I remain on track for my future plans and so that I can extra spending money and enough extra cash yearly for my rainy day fund and retirement.


  • The total of my future expenses each year are 50k.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are Google, and general knoledge.
  • According to google I can likely count on making $100k each year in my future job as a computer programmer.  My education/training to get that job will cost $50k total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $2-3k for my rainy day fund each year, and $500 for retirement each year.  If I save $500 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $24,500 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think….

Monday, July 20, 2015

Blog Post #4- Budget

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $62,010.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are my parents and other adults that that have experienced many years of budgeting and living expenses.This includes food, clothing, insurance, rent, utilities, and transportation. I used this source to get most of my information.
  • According to US News I can likely count on making $96,140 each year in my future job as a veterinarian.  My education to get that job will cost $131,000 total for all years of training because I need to go through four years of veterinary school.
  • I want to save $3,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $25,000 for retirement each year. If I save $25,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $975,000 plus interest. 
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that I need to be careful at what I spend my money on because my expenses are only going to go up as I have children  to care for and other expenses. I makes me realize that you should start saving for retirement and other future costs at a young age because that will make it a lot easier to live when you are older. There are a lot of expenses that you kind of forget about when budgeting, which is why it is important to work out all your expenses and plan for the future.

Future Finances

  • The total of my future expenses each year are about $55,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are this link and this link.
  • According to this link I can likely count on making $64,000 each year in my future job as an environmental scientist.  My education/training to get that job will cost $80-120,000 total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $1,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $2,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $2,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $70,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think about how much I still have to learn about finances! It is really intimidating to think about all the money I will have to spend in my lifetime just to make ends meet.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Blog #4

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $56,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are working adults with decades of life expense experience and this link. This number reflects life in San Francisco at 27. I didn't include college expenses because hopefully I will have graduated college years before. I also didn't include health insurance, because I know I want a job that covers me.
  • According to this source and many like it, I can likely count on making over $100,000 each year in my future job as an environmental engineer.  My education/training to get that job will cost $80,000 total for all years of training excluding scholarships and aid.
  • I want to save $500 for my rainy day fund each year, and $2000 for retirement each year.  If I save $2000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have around $80,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think maybe I should choose a different place to live and start my career, or consider getting a roommate for a while. It also makes me think about attending a private university that would offer much better aid than loans at a public university.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Blog # 4

The total of my future expenses each year are $102,700.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information were adults who had experience with making these kinds of payments.

According to College Atlas, I can likely count on making $ 75,100 each year in my future job as a clinical psychologist. My education/training to get that job will cost $41,901 total for all years of training.

I want to save $1,000  for my rainy day fund each year, and $2,500 for retirement each year.  If I save $2,500 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have  $100,000 plus interest.

Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that I need to either find a job that pays more money, find a way to cut back my expanses, or try hard to work my way up into a higher position.

Blog #4: Future Expenses

The total of my future expenses are approximatly $16,300.00. I know this is mostly logical because my primoary source for information was this Link

According to this website I can count on making about $30,000 each year in my future job as an environmental activist. The average salery can vary depending on the company, location, industry, and experience. The average cost of my 4 year education to get closer to receiving this job would cost approximatly $28,600. 

I want to save 10% of my salery every year for my rainy day fund, and save 15% for my retirement fund. If things become harder I would stop investing in my rainy day fund until I got back onto my feet. If I save 15% every year, or everytime I get a pay check, Then my retirment fund should be well on its way, especially considering I have been doing this for almost 4 years now. 

I beleive that if I continue to save a certain portion of all the money I make, one day I will have no need to save or work anymore, and I can retire to do my own research or spend my money on projects that I want to see happpen but no one supports. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Week #4 Homework

The total of my future expenses each year are about $196,740.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are adults who have been paying these expenses for a long time now.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics I can likely count on making about $87,000 each year in my future job as a civil engineer.  My education/training to get that job will cost about $35,000 total for all years of training.

I want to save $200 for my rainy day fund each year, and $800 for retirement each year.  If I save $800 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $3,200 plus interest.

These statistics make me think that I will have to cut down on a lot of expenses in the future, although I did exaggerate the numbers for my expenses a little bit. Hopefully I will have some financial support from my future family because there is no way that I will be able to pay all of those expenses with my predicted annual salary.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 4 Blog

  • The total of my future expenses each year is about $60,000 in result of my college education and training, and I will be making around $70,000 a year, leaving me $10,000 for other important factors like taxes and food.
  • According to Salary.com I can likely count on making $70,000 each year in my future job as a Civil/Mechanical Engineer. My education/training to get that job will cost $60,000 total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $400 for my rainy day fund each year, and $1,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $4,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $192,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think about how I need to spend less money on worthless items such as expensive video games and junk food, and instead I should try saving up as much as I can per year.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blog #3 : Future Career

I am not completely sure what my future has in store for me. College is something I think that I that I would enjoy but I am unsure as to whether or not I will attend it right away. I hope to gain more knowledge about the environment through environmental science and learning about issues that affect our lives. I also hope to gain more experience in producing media. 

One thing that I am sure of is that I want to travel. I want to visit as many countries around the world as I can so that I can personally gain knowledge about their ecosystems and their governments and how life in their country differs from ours. 

One day I hope to change the world for the better by bringing awareness to environmental issues that are occurring right now and will continue to occur through out the future. I think that the only way I can do this is by having personal experiences in many of these issues and from there broadcasting these issues through media since media is the only affective way to reach people in this time. 

I definitely need to start by becoming more involved in my community now and through the internet staying in touch with other issues happening in our world. 
Week 3 Blog Post (Late)

My desired future career is located in the field of civil engineering. For example, I am looking into the job of building designer, as well as interior designer. Starting out,  the average pay would be about $60,000, but with experience the job can pay up to $80,000 before taxes.

The field of engineering pays a lot less in countries such as Germany, where on average you would get about $42,000 a year, however in the US, you would get approximately $70,000.

For most civil engineers, the minimum required education is a bachelors degree. If a striving engineer wishes to become a professional engineer, then it is important to have at least a bachelors degree.

For the average successful engineer, it is important to have personality traits, such as being calm and collected, and being able to focus on important ideas and inventions to support the world we live in today.

Week 3

After high school I'm going to college for an architectural major.
jobs include: structural architect, landscape architect, and home designers.
A jobs that I learned more about was a landscaping architect. These people usually work with civil engineers to work on residential areas and parks.

Structural Architect:
$75,000 annually, more work in ares ready to be built on, rural areas. Professional degree in architecture is requires (bachelor). Able to be organized and have a good artistic talent. Able to speak with people well.

Landscaping Architect:
$60,000 annually, more work in open spaces, and park areas. A landscape architect must have a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) or a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (BSLA). Either will take four to five years of classes in design, construction techniques, art, history, and natural and social sciences. Personalities for this job are to be able to do math, be organized, and someone who has good social skills.

Home designer:
$43,000 annually, self employers average are $104,000 annually. Work can be found in areas with many houses or buildings. Bachelor's degree required. Skills/personality, able to work around a house easily(handyman) and to be able to communicate well.

Week 4

When I go to college I want to take a computer science major, three jobs that people have often is computer programming jobs, photoshopping jobs, and physical hardware computer job.  Average pay is 74,000$ yearly as of 2012, but as there is more need for people with computer skills I predict the average wage for people with computer skills will go way up.  Computer programming is like a language, but there are many and it is not that complicated the know the language, but to master it is very hard.  Photoshopping is the skill of editing and creating photo's which is a very difficult skill in my opinion.  The knowledge of computers and designing a hardware for computers is a very important thing to know in the modern world.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Potential Careers

In college, I am thinking of majoring in environmental science or environmental studies. One job people with this major can get is, obviously, an environmental scientist. Being an environmental scientist requires at least a bachelor's degree (entry level). The average annual wage for this job is about $72,000 before taxes. Generally speaking, wages are the highest in Northeast United States, California, Washington, and Texas. Beginning environmental scientists often end up in field work, so they must be in good physical condition and able to handle harsh terrains. More seniors scientists spend most of their time in a lab or office. Environmental scientists must be focused and passionate about what they do. They must be able to work well in teams. They also must be persistent, as funding and support can be difficult to find.

Another potential job I could have is an agricultural scientist. Again, an entry level position requires only a bachelor's degree, but as high as a PhD would be beneficial for more advanced positions. The average annual wage before taxes is $60,000-$70,000. The highest wages are earned in the Northeast, but other random states like Missouri and Montana pay high wages as well. Agricultural scientists must have strong communication skills so they can let others know about their findings and communicate important information to other people they are working with. The personality strengths would be like those of an environmental scientists. They are similar jobs, just focused on different things.

One more job I could do is that of a biochemist. A bachelor's degree is required for this job. Before taxes, the average annual income is about $85,000. Pay is highest in California and the Northeastern United States. Biochemists must be good problem solvers. They must have a drive to be successful in their work. Again, they must be good communicators and be able to work in a group environment.

Blog Post #3

When I go to college I plan to major in pre-veterinary medicine or animal science as I look towards veterinary school after college. Some common careers for individuals who major in those fields include veterinarians, zoologist, and biologist.

A Veterinarians job is to provide medical services for animals and give advice to pet owners about the care and breeding of their pets. Veterinarians must be good at working with animals and must be tuned in to the animal’s discomfort. They must be able to calm and reassure frightened animals. Since animals cannot communicate their symptoms to the doctor, veterinarians must depend on their own and the owners’ observations to make their diagnoses. They also have to have good communication skills in order to communicate with the pet owners. Veterinarians must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and be licensed by the state. It takes six to eight years to complete a D.V.M. The first two years of the program consist of general science studies at the college level. Most vets complete a four-year degree in biological or physiological sciences. In their senior year of college, aspiring vets apply to four-year veterinary programs. In the veterinary program, students acquire practical experience by working in clinics and assisting in performing surgery. During the last two years of vet school, students do clinical rounds. Then, they complete a three-year residency. Only then are they eligible to sit for the licensing exam. About 85 percent of those who take the exam pass it. At this point some doctors continue their studies in a specialized area of veterinary medicine, such as ophthalmology or surgery. After all that education, veterinarians make an average salary of $96,140 before taxes.The highest paid in the veterinarian profession work in California, New York, Connecticut  New Jersey, and Delaware  In general, veterinarians in metropolitan areas eared more than those in rural areas.

A zoologist is a biologist that that specializes in the study of animals. Zoologists generally focus on one aspect of study such as entomology (insects), ethology (animal behavior), or herpetology (reptiles), and work to increase scientific knowledge and develop practical applications based on their research. Possible professions include studying animals in their natural surroundings to improve the conditions of those in captivity, devising methods of population management, lecturing or taking faculty positions at universities, or educating the public about wildlife awareness. Most graduate schools with a Zoology Department offer interdepartmental programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. M.S. degrees are completed by conducting original research spanning two to three years. Ph.D. degrees, offered to those who already hold an M.S. in Zoology or related areas, are generally completed in five years. However, the educational requirements for zoological fields vary and often include at least a four-year degree in zoology or biology as well as experience with animals and laboratory research. Depending on your education and experience, salaries can range to $50,000 to $70,000 with an average of $61,880 before taxes. California, Washington, Florida, Alaska, and Oregon have the highest employment level and Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut  and Rhode Island have the highest average salaries. People with this job are generally very observant and meticulous because they have to gather conclusions by observing animals. They also have to be very dedicated to their line of work because in many cases their work is self directed.

Biologists study humans, plants, animals, and the environments in which they live. They may conduct their studies at the cellular level or the ecosystem level or anywhere in between. Biologists are interested in learning from every facet of life and study life to uncover its secrets and to find ways to solve problems. Biologists generally love what they do as many put in long hours, compelled by their dedication to work beyond the requirements of their job. Biologist also have to have good communication and social skills because relationships with colleagues can be intense and often are substitutes for average social interaction. Like zoologist, biologist are extremely dedicated to their work and have to be able to work on their own. The education requirements of biologist vary as the positions vary. Most individuals in positions of authority have extensive post-graduate degrees, but entry-level positions are available for people with only a bachelor’s degree in a biological science. Most researchers have a master’s degree; they direct research and perform out-of-lab functions, such as on-site sampling and interviewing about medication side effects. Those who wish to direct the research functions must obtain a Ph.D. in a biological science. Biologist have an average salary of $74,720 before taxes with the salaries ranging from $42,480 -$115,260. The states with the highest employment level are California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Texas, and Florida, and the states with the highest average salaries are Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and District of Columbia. Generally the coastal states have a higher average salary. 

after high school (option 1)

i would want to major in dentistry so i need to have taken  biology , mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Three jobs common to some one with those majors could be a doctor, dentist, and nurse. A common pay for a dentist assistant would be a bit over 35 thousand. Those who work in San Francisco, Man Chester, and New Hampshire have a higher pay because they are more populated areas with more clients. Education to be a dentist require to go to dental school and have a bachelors degree. They look for people who have good communication skills, dental orientation, leadership, patience, and good problem solving skills. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blog #2

My strength in the work readiness skill of professionalism has really shown as I am always arrive to my internship on time on the days I am supposed to come in. I even arrive about 10 minutes early each day so that I don't have to rush in and I have plenty of time to get ready for the day. This has served me well at my internship because it makes everyone else in the work place view me as a professional that is dedicated to my internship. It has allowed for all the employees at VCA Madera Pet Hospital to respect me and they can always rely on me to be there and ready to work. At the pet hospital there are also many different medical terms and processes that I have been learning about. When I first started the internship, there were a lot of unfamiliar terms that I was hearing, but I used my diligence and dedication to listen actively and ask questions about things I wasn't familiar with. This has allowed me to learn a lot throughout these first three weeks of my internship. It has allowed my to make the most of this opportunity.

One thing that I feel like I still need to improve is being comfortable working among adults that are very experienced in their field of work. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable and would like to improve my communication skills. I need to improve my ability to communicate with adults with ease. Sometimes I hesitate to tell others that I don't understand because I don't want to bother them. Therefore, I would like to improve my honesty and communication skills, so I will feel more comfortable asking questions. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Blog #3

I plan on attending a four year university with an engineering program. I'd like to major in environmental/civil engineering. With a degree in environmental engineering, I could work as a consultant for big companies, work at an engineering firm, or work as an engineer at a specific business like my coworkers have done at Spiral Waters building filters. 

A degree in environmental engineering could take me to grad school or business school to receive a PhD in an engineering/environmental field, or a masters in business. If I choose that route, I could obtain very high positions at engineering firms or industrial companies, even start my own firm once I have several years of experience. 

The median salary for Environmental Engineers in the United States is $83,360, but it isn't uncommon for an engineer to make over $100,000 a year. In California, Environmental Engineers make an average annual salary of $99,410 per year. If all goes well, I could get a job as an Environmental Engineer immediately after graduation from my 4 year university, and make around $90,000 a year. 

All Engineers are very dedicated and smart, because engineering school is so rigorous. Majoring in engineering usually requiring at least 4 years of 4 classes that are all necessary for your major. Engineers are curious about how things work, and are very creative. Engineers are very exact, good designers, and often come up with original solutions to problems. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Week 3 Homework

I plan on going to college, and as of now, I think I want to major in engineering.  A couple of jobs that are often paired with a major in engineering include an industrial engineer, design engineer, and civil engineer. Other than what I researched, I don't know much about these jobs. The lowest annual pay for an industrial engineer is about $51,000 while the highest annual pay is about $120,000, both of which are before taxes. Generally, industrial engineers are paid higher on the Pacific Coast and in southern states, and paid lower in the Midwest despite the fact that there are more industrial engineers employed in the Northern and Eastern states. The experience required ranges from 4 to 8 years at a university. . Almost all engineers must be resourceful, inquisitive, and cooperative and be critical thinkers. The average annual salary of a design engineer ranges from $50,000 to $90,000. I couldn't find anything on the salary of design engineers by location. Usually someone will graduate fro a 4 year university and then do an internship until they can land a job. A civil engineer is also usually paid $50,000 to $90,000 per year. They are usually paid the most near New England, in the Southern parts of the U.S., and in California and Alaska. These also happen to be the places where most civil engineers are employed. Usually people will attend a 4 year university and then take part in a graduate study to become a civil engineer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blog 3 - Option #1

I want to major in psychology. Three potential jobs that I could get are being: an engineering psychologist, a clinical psychologist, and a school psychologist.

 The starting salaries for engineering psychologists range from $48,000 to 75,000 a year. The average salary for engineering psychologists with a doctorate degree who works for a businesses is $110,000 a year.  The average salary for engineering psychologists with a doctorate degree who works in academics is $93,000 a year. The average salary for engineering psychologists with a doctorate degree who works for the government is $107,000 a year. The average salary for engineering psychologists with a masters degree who works for a businesses is $90,000 a year. The average salary for engineering psychologists with a masters degree who works in academics is $75,000 a year. Most jobs require you to have either a master's degree or a doctorate degree (a PHD or a PsyD). Becoming an engineering psychologist will take between 6 to 10 years. Engineering psychologist personality should being able to identify what people expect and how they interact with technology, consumer products, energy systems, telecommunication, transportation, decision-making, work settings and living environments. They have to be able to create safer, more effective and more reliable systems.

The average salary for a clinical psychologist is $40,000 to $108,000 a year. Clinical psychologists in Australia make more money than clinical psychologists in the United States. Becoming a clinical psychologist will take between 6 to 10 years. Most students who are doing their doctorate degree will need to do an internship that lasts one year or more. People who want to be a clinical psychologist should be patient, attentive, and sympathetic.

The average salary for a school psychologist is $39,000 to $108,000 a year. School psychologists in Australia make less money than school psychologists in the United States. Becoming a school psychologist will take between 6 to 10 years. People who want to be school psychologists should be good with kids, are patient, and is supportive.

Work Readiness Skill in Internship Blog #2

Since my internship has not started yet, I do not know yet which habits and skills will help me in my internship. I believe that my organization skills will help me in my internship because it will allow me to plan my schedule and stay up to date with the assignments I will need to complete. I also think that my skills with communicating with other people will help tremendously since we will be interviewing people over the phone and in person.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Week 2

Some skills that I have used at my internship is that i'm dedicated and can work with others.  I have been working with setting up IPads, but I work as a team with my boss and worked on a Java program which would automatically open and authenticate confirmation emails from apple.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Applying Work Readiness

The skill I have used most in the past two weeks of my internship is literacy. My "project" is to help the Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM) get customers to correctly divide their trash. I wrote up a proposal on what I saw at various farmers markets and what I thought should be done about it. I learned that a formal write-up is an impressive and effective way for me to communicate. For me, this was a big success. I was also very diligent. One side project I was assigned was research on grant deadlines for AIM's permanent market. I found every date I could as well as a few new grants AIM could apply for. I know my work was appreciated. I learned that if I do what I'm asked as well as I can, my efforts will be noticed.

I'm not entirely sure which category this falls under, but I believe it is dedication. Two weeks into my internship, I'm still intimidated by an adult workplace. I tend to shirk away from challenges, and don't put myself out there very much. This has limited the amount of important tasks I have been given. My second weakness is probably a lack of professionalism. While the office is pretty darn casual, I have been late a time or two. No one seems to really notice, but it causes me to be a little flustered upon my arrival.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Blog #2

       At my internship at Spiral Water Technologies, a startup company that designs and builds automatic filtration systems, all my tasks are assigned by the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). My assignments are different each day and require application of different skills, some examples: communicating with clients, scanning and organizing files, research, writing research papers, designing parts with engineering software, and getting my hands dirty actually wiring and putting together the machines. It's very exciting, but the CTO is very busy so I need to be proactive and seek out work, asking what I can do and what I should be doing the next day in case he's in a meeting. This internship has really built my communication skills, because I have learned how to, in a professional way, stay in communication with my boss. I respond to emails and texts promptly, and when talking in person I'm direct, polite, and always clarify when I don't understand (engineering is not simple stuff). Another work readiness skill I use is dedication. My willingness to work on any given task with high levels of enthusiasm whether it's scanning or building, is really appreciated by those I work with, and makes me a dedicated intern. This week I was wiring the control box on a filter for an entire day, wire after wire. It may have been tedious, but I was learning and it was important to the success of their products, so I had to put in tremendous effort. When I had finished, I was proud of myself for staying focused, asking questions, and working hard; I felt accomplished and helpful. 
       A work readiness skill that caused me to work harder is honesty. In just two weeks, every time I've interned, I come across something new in the field of engineering that directly applies to my task, and I need to be honest and tell my coworkers "I don't understand." When interning, it's important to understand how much your supervisors think you know, and what their expectations are. In my case, I wasn't sure, but as someone who wants to make a good impression, I wanted them to be impressed with my background and experience, but I had to accept that I didn't know very much about filtration, and my engineering design class was nothing compared to their 20 years of experience and college degrees. It's important that I allow myself to be humbled, because that it means that I'm learning new things and not pretending like I understand. I realize now that they appreciate when I interrupt to ask questions, because it means I'm trying to understand and that I want to do it right.  

Friday, July 3, 2015

Blog #2 - Work Readiness Skills

I am working as a Microbiologist at Marin General Hospital. One of the tasks that I do when I am working in the microbiology lab is to isolate bacteria on blood plates. What this means is that I take a colony of bacteria and spread it onto blood agar that will allow the bacteria to grow. Once, I accidentally tore the blood agar and I immediately told my supervisor. My supervisor wasn't mad at me and told me even other scientists make the same mistake. What I learned from this was that you have to be own up to making a mistake from the get-go in order for your supervisor to keep your trust. Another task that I do is look at bacteria under a microscope. Once, I found bacteria on a low setting on the microscope but couldn't find it on a higher setting. I asked my supervisor to help me find the bacteria and when I did, he taught me a useful trick of how to find bacteria. What I learned from this was that there is no harm in asking for help if it means that you act with diligence. Asking for help can mean that you waste less time working on something if you have a lot to do or it can mean that you can learn new tricks to become more diligent. 

Being literate has held me back. My supervisor has asked me to read chapters from a college level text book. It was hard for me to understand what was being written because the language was hard for me to understand. The names of the bacteria and the large number of bacteria made the language harder for me to understand. Also, not having taken any biology courses made it harder for me to understand the material being presented.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 2 Homework

Because I have not yet started my internship with this program, I am going to write about an internship that I have had in the past. This internship was with the Marin Humane Society. During my internship there, although everyone there was incredibly friendly and respectful, they had me do all of the dirty work because I was not in a particularly high position. This meant that I would clean out the dirty dog kennels and do the laundry(not for the employees, for the dog beds and stuff). Instead of seeing this as a waste of my time, I decided that it was an opportunity for me to show them that I was dedicated and wanted to not only complete my tasks, but that I wanted to do so thoroughly. It also gave me a chance to use my communication skills because when I was finished with a task, I didn't want to be disrespectful by asking if I had to do anything else, so instead I asked if there was anything else that they wanted me to do. Sometimes when the other employees would give me a task that they wanted me to do in a specific way, I wouldn't quite understand them, and knowing that they are very busy, I would try not to ask them a question to clarify because I felt as though it would have been rude, which is something in the area of communication where I could have done better.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goals, Habits, and Allies

Throughout my high school career, there are a few goals that I would like to accomplish. First, I hope to maintain at least a 4.15 GPA throughout my next two years of high shcool. I would also like to be accepted into a high school summer veterinarian program at a university next summer. I want to become a captain on my high school's varsity tennis team for my senior year of high school, and potentially become a captain on the varsity softball team. I would also like to obtain a leadership role in the STEM club my senior year of high school. By completing these goals during high school, I will be able to accomplish my bigger goal of being accapted into an excellent college, preferably UC Davis, Tufts, or Cornell.

Looking farther into the future, there are more things I hope to accomplish in my life. After college, I hope to get into veterinary school and obtain a degree. While, working on my degree and throughout college, I hope to get a job at an animal hospital as a veterinarian assisitant. Eventually, in the far future, I also hope to become a lead veterarian at an animal hosptial.

Some of my good habits that I have now include my diligence, dedication, and hard work when it comes to my school work. I am also reliable, punctual, agreeable, and honest. Another good quality that I possess is my good time management skills. There are also some habits that I hope to develop. I hope to become more outgoing and assertive when it comes to communicating with others.

Allies are important to completing my goals. Some current allies include my parents, Ms. Buchanan (my chemistry teacher), Ms. Boston (my tennis coach and PE teacher), and Ms. Berry (my physiology teacher). Some potential allies include the employees at VCA Madera Pet Hospital and San Anselmo Animal Hospital because they can teach me about the veterinary field.

Goals and Habits Blog #1

Short Term Goals: 
In this next year I hope to do my best in school and have that reflect positively through my grades.  I hope to become more involved in the community, like joining clubs at school,  doing volunteer work and maybe have another internship.  I hope to make new friends and develop on already existing relationships.  I want to practice in the fields that I currently am interested in such as photography, film and editing, and drawing and painting. 
Long Term Goals: 
Thinking in the long term is difficult since one cannot completely control their future. No matter what career or life style I am living, in the long term I strive to be happy. Hopefully I can achieve happiness while changing the world to work together as a stronger community through film and media. I want to bring awareness to global issues that affect all of us, even if it is indirectly. Bringing awareness to environmental and domestic issues could help the people of the world see the effect that we have on it and that we need to change our actions if the human race hopes to survive as a species. 
Good Habits:
I have a very creative and inventive mind while also having an artistic eye. If needed, I can be very organized and keep track of tasks and responsibilities. I am good at interacting with unknown people and having an open mind to others ideas and thoughts. I love to take in others ideas and expand on them myself or combine ideas into something better. 
Developing Habits:
Some skills that I need to work on include procrastination, communication and centering my focus. I struggle with procrastination because I get distracted with another project and forget about other important tasks. I need to work on my communication skills to people who have authority over me since I get nervous and timid and do not let my voice become heard.