For this next year, my short term goals are fairly straightforward. I will maintain my GPA throughout my Senior year in high school (no senioritis here!) and prepare myself to live on my own. To do this, I will help my mom cook dinner and begin to manage my own budget. My long term goals are to discover what I want to devote my life to and figure out how to do this without completely letting go of my other passions. I am planning on attending a liberal arts college, where I will be allowed to explore as many different realms as I like even after declaring a major. This will allow me to explore different potential career options as well as take a class or two in areas I already enjoy. Specifically, I have my eyes set on the 5 C's: Pomona, Pitzer, Harvey Mudd, Claremont Mckenna, and Scripps. If I attend one of these schools, I will have the option of taking classes from the others. These are also located relatively close to L.A., which will give me ample opportunities to pursue internships and volunteer opportunities.
To reach these goals, I will need to shape my habits accordingly. Right now I am a hard worker and have strong morals. When I am told to do something, I do it. I do not slack off. This makes me a reliable worker. However, I need to learn to step out of my comfort zone and push myself to contribute in an adult world. I am intimidated by a world that is trying to be receptive to me. It will benefit me and whoever I am working for if, instead of going quiet when I'm intimidated, I speak up and give my opinion. I need to learn that although I am often treated as a kid, I am not a little one, and I have valuable insight to offer.
"Allies" is a rather confusing term to me. I prefer to work alone, to do whatever needs to be done myself. However, as my goals grow larger, I will need to have allies. My strongest ally is my mom. She wants the best for me and is willing to help me attain what I want. Over the years she has given me contacts for projects I've worked on and funded outside learning when I've wanted it. My school counselor, Ms. Paulsen, is also a strong ally. She knows the ways of my school and I've had nothing but positive encounters with her. As funny as it seems, my piano teacher, Ms. Chaiken, is a big ally. I've been taking from her since the 4th grade and she is always there for me. She is so caring. She has even offered to help with my college essays! I'm always on the lookout for more allies. One I'd like to have is my school's chemistry teacher, Ms. Buchanan. She likes me well enough, but I think once I'm in AP chemistry next year, I can solidify that relationship. I'd also like my "overseer" at Guide Dogs for the Blind as an ally. Collier and I rarely get a chance to talk since we are both busy taking care of the dogs, but I think she is a really cool person and would love for her to back me up.
This next year will be full of challenges as I begin to take on college applications along with my AP and College of Marin classes. I know I have what it takes to meet my goals. I will continue to develop my habits and lengthen my list of allies until I get where I want to go. I know that with the help of those around me, I will achieve my goals and be a successful human being in college and beyond.